Speak Loudly

Have I ever stated how wonderful the writing community is?

Whether it is passing information, cheering on word counts or supporting others in a time of need, the writing world has your back.  I have seen money raised for emergency vet visits, medical expenses, and unexpected emergencies.  There is always someone on Twitter to cheer you on in your writing goal. And if you have a quick question, there is someone able to answer or point you in the right direction.

So really, it is no surprise when someone tries to get a YA (young adult) book banned from schools there is an outcry.  But this is not just any book; it is Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson.  If you do a google search on this book I am sure you will find plenty of information of other people’s views on this matter.

What has gotten my community all in a fuss is a man by the name of Wesley Scroggins, who believes that the scene of rape in the story to be “soft porn.”

I’m sorry Mr. Scroggins, I disagree. I strongly disagree and if you look at the writing world, you will see why.

I don’t believe in “sheltering” my children from something like this.  Rape and molestation is a dirty, disgusting, degrading part of life. It happens to babies, children, adolescents and adults. Victims feel powerless, alone and afraid  and by banning this book from school libraries  it is supporting this outlook.  The more we expose our young people to the facts, the more aware they will be of their actions and the actions of those around them.

Apparently not all people feel the same.

If you search #SpeakLoudly on twitter, you will see a huge outcry of this banning.  Many authors, publishing companies, and readers are stepping up and supporting this book and the author.  Personally, I have not read it, but I can sympathize with the main character in the book.  Sometimes bad things happen but it does not mean that you have to be alone.  It does not make you a bad person.  It does not mean that the world will turn its back on you.

It is frightening to tell another person about those dark secrets.  I know it is.  I’ve had to do it.  The thing is, the more often you tell it, the more often you cry on a shoulder, the less it strangles you. There will always be a shadow, but it doesn’t have to be darkness.

So please, before anyone reads Mr. Scroggin’s view on this book, check it out first.  If you can’t get it right away, find someone who has read it and see if their opinions of the book matches his view.  I think you will find he has had the blinders on all this time.

3 responses to “Speak Loudly

  1. Way to get proactive, Shadow!!

    Sadly, and unfortunately this is one of the problems with being a writer. I have read many an article where the writers cheer on the people who try to ban books because instead of creating a die hard scare, the banner gives the banee more interest. Curiosity starts to grow and so on… does that make it right? Not really, everyone has a freedom of speech and IMO we would all be better off if we just let those who are doing no harm alone, but others don’t believe in bygones. Nice post, hon. 😀


  2. So beautifully said, Shadow! I haven’t read this book either and I think it is a must-read now. I loved Anderson’s book called Wintergirls which was a poignant look at eating disorders. She captured it so delicately so I’m sure she wasn’t any different with Speak.


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