10 things about me

The good people at Shock Totem have set this blog “challenge” a rollin, and since everyone’s jumping I wanted to as well. The point is to post ten things interesting about yourself. Others include K. Woods, PJ RayMiss Hinney and started off with Mercedes Yardley. It’s spreading like an STD but way more fun!! While most other people have led more interesting lives, I figured I’d like to do it as well! So here it goes!!

1.  I started driving when I was 4.  I lived on a farm and when dad fed hay to the cows he would put the tractor or truck in low gear and point to a tree at the other end of the field to give me a direction.  If I ran off course, he would jump off the trailer, walk over and steer me back.  However, my younger brother drove on the highway before I did.  He was 11 I was 15.  It was a silage truck and man was I pissed.

2. People talk to me, sometimes a lot.  I’m kind of one of those that people feel safe to talk to.  I have heard some crazy and sometimes sickening things, but I do not judge.  So long as things that happen are between two consenting adults I don’t care.  If it is between something else, well there is a deep rooted anger that never goes away.

3. I have an early warning system with people.  I can’t say that I hate anyone (even my x) but I do pay attention to that feeling I get with first impressions.  There are a few people that for no obvious reason give me the willies and nothing logical will explain that.  I do think that it has kept me out of trouble many times, just that feeling of avoiding something at some time.

4. I still have the first story that I ever wrote.  It was from 1st grade about a bird that few away.

5. A lot of people find me hard to get to know.  Well in person anyway.  I communicate a lot better in text than I do in person.

6.  I have seen ghosts.  Not the things you see from the corner of your eye, but up close in the prime visual area.  Once in a cemetery at dusk, I saw what for the moment I thought was fireflies.   Then I began to think, it was March.  Fireflies do not appear in Missouri until about late April.  I have been startled but never frightened of this.

7. I love nature.  I used to spend hours (meaning 4 or more) a day outside in the woods completely unsupervised and alone when I was growing up.  I taught myself to track, but I am no expert.  I can recognize just about any songbird and insect that is native to my area by ear and can name off plants and some medicinal uses for many common weeds.

8.  I like the dark.  My bedroom is completely dark when I sleep so is the rest of my house. When it is night, I want it dark.  I have good night vision and can make my way around easily.

9. I am a very honest person.  I do not lie well or easily.  I will tell you what I think but fit it to the situation.  If it requires a blunt statement I will make it.  If it requires  some tact, then I can do that too.

10.  I love a wonderful man in Georgia.  He is ten years younger than I am, but we communicate on a level that transcends age. Long distances relationships are difficult, I can’t touch him, or be held by him physically, but we talk every day. I think that will in the end make what we have stronger. And yes, he has come here for a two week visit last year.

7 responses to “10 things about me

  1. I don’t know, Hinny. This sounds far more interesting than what I posted. Haha.

    I began driving early as well. Not at 4, mind, but earlier than most. I began at 14. One morning, my mother busts into my bedroom and said, “Get up! You have to take me to work.” My father was a drunk, and he was passed out. That was my first time behind the wheel, rush hour on a Monday morning. Not the best time to learn to drive. Haha.


  2. Shadow! Thanks for sharing with us. It’s so neat that you’ve seen ghosts and aren’t afraid of the dark! I’m terrified of it, even though I love horror! Plus, lying is overrated — it’s awesome with the honesty and whatnot!

    Happy writing


  3. Am I setting off your alarm yet? Huh? *stalks around* How ’bout now? 😉

    This was fascinating. I love hearing things like this about people. It makes me enjoy talking to you even more!


  4. How neat that you still have your first story. I have some from my younger years, but not the very first one written down. I’d love to have it and see what it was (there have been many, many more and I don’t remember). Fun to learn more about you.


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